Palace Hotel San Francisco The 23rd Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate Appraisers |
You can watch this speech on YouTube. |
Our president Ichiro Kawabata was selected as the Japan's representative speaker by Japan Association of Real Estate Appraisers. And he gave a lecture there. The theme was multiple regression analysis. |
At the beginning of the lecture, he quoted Hotel California by the Eagles, which was very well received. Then he quoted Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men to pay tribute to California's great nature, and went into the content. |
After the lecture, he received a huge applause. There must have been about 300 people in attendance. he was very happy to be applauded by real estate appraisers from all over the world. |
After the lecture, he received a huge applause. There must have been about 300 people in attendance. he was very happy to be applauded by real estate appraisers from all over the world. The transcript of this lecture can be read on the website of the Japan Association of Real Estate Appraisers. |